What are the rules for quran recitation? Reading the Holy Qur’an is one of the acts of worship that brings the servant closer to his Lord, and there are conditions and etiquette for reading the Qur’an, some of which are obligatory.
Some of which are recommended, and some of which are desirable, and making sure to adhere to the conditions for reading the Holy Qur’an will provide you with prosperity. Allah has reverence when reciting it; You get the full reward. So we will discuss rules for reciting the quran.
rules for quran recitation
There are a number of rules for quran recitation of the heart that it is good for the reader of the Qur’an to possess, including:
- Among the rules for reciting the quran is sincerity in the intention of reading. The intention of reading must be to please Allah and get closer to Him, not to seek exaltation among people.
While recalling the greatness of the Creator. The greater the Creator is in the heart, the smaller the world and its refuge are in the human soul.
- Among rules for quran recitation is repentance, and staying away from forbidden things and sins.
As they work to extinguish the heart, it becomes more harsh and not affected by the meanings of the Qur’an, and more distant from mercy.
Which is one of the most important human qualities, in addition to the fact that the heart becomes attached to worldly life.
- Bringing the heart, denying self-talk, and focusing on the meanings of the Qur’an.
- Among tajweed rules for quran recitation is trying to understand every word read, while contemplating and complying with the commands of Allah Almighty mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.
- The heart interacts with the different meanings of the Qur’an, so the woman embodies the qualities of the righteous, distances herself, and is considered one of the unbelievers.
- Considering every speech in the Qur’an as directed to the soul.
- Avoiding obstacles to understanding, such as a woman being too busy reciting Tajweed to understand and comprehend the verses.
rules for reciting the quran
In addition to rules for quran recitation, the Holy Qur’an is the book of Allah Almighty, the King of kings, and whoever wants to read the words of the King of kings must prepare himself and adhere to the necessary etiquette so that reading it is a correct reading for which he will be rewarded. Among rules for reciting the quran and conditions are:
Determine the intention to Allah alone and no other human beings
and the reader makes his reading an act of worship and closeness to Allah Almighty, without hypocrisy or hypocrisy. If hypocrisy enters his reading, his work becomes in vain.
Complete purity;
So that he purifies his body from minor and major impurities, in addition to purifying the garment and place from impurity and impurity, and cleansing his mouth with the siwak in honor and glorification of the word of Allah.
Among the rules for quran recitation is to face the Qiblah while reading, out of reverence and good manners towards Allah Almighty, which is the most perfect.
Reading carefully;
He should not preoccupy his senses with anything that distracts his heart from contemplating the verses and understanding what is meant by their meanings, so the reader remembers that he is reading the words of his Lord and communes with Him by reciting His words, and draws closer to Him by reading his book.
The reader must project his work onto the verses he reads, and if there are some shortcomings, he should turn to His Lord, so ask forgiveness for his sins, and strive to do obedience and refrain from disobedience, for that is closer to humility and contemplation.
tajweed rules for quran recitation
Speaking of the rules for quran recitation, there are many tajweed rules for quran recitation including the following:
1-Abstaining from reading when yawning is out of politeness, respect, and veneration for the words of Allah Almighty.
2-Among the rules for quran recitation is to choose the right time to read; So that the mind is clear, and the best time to read the Qur’an is after the dawn prayer, and in the middle and middle of the night so that a person is far from the troubles and preoccupations of life.
And far from amusement, laughter, and looking at what distracts the reader from contemplating the words of Allah, and distracts the mind from focusing on the purposes of His verses.
3-Among the tajweed rules for quran recitation is Seeking refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan when intending to read. The meaning of seeking refuge is to say at the beginning of the reading: I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. What is meant by it is:
“That is, I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan lest he harm me in my religion or my worldly life, or prevent me from doing what I have been commanded to do, or He urges me to do what I have been forbidden.” Seeking refuge purifies us from obsession and directs our feelings to Allah, sincerely for Him.
4- Among the rules for reciting the quran is prostration at the verses of prostration of recitation. It is desirable for the reciter of the Qur’an if he comes across a verse that contains prostration, to prostrate to Allah and rub his forehead in prostration and feel the greatness of Allah Almighty.
There are fourteen prostrations in the Holy Qur’an, and the prostration should occur after the verse of prostration that he read. If he delays and does not prolong the season, he should prostrate. If the season is long, he has missed the prostration.
5-It is part of rules for quran recitation for a woman to wear the hijab when reading the Holy Qur’an, but there is nothing wrong with her reading the Qur’an with her head uncovered unless she is with a non-mahram person, as covering the head is not a condition for reading the Qur’an.
6-It is desirable for the reader to be affected and interact with the verses of the Qur’an. If he comes across a verse of punishment, he seeks refuge with Allah from torment. If he comes across a verse of mercy, he asks Allah Almighty for His grace. If he comes across a verse of pity for Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty exalts him.
In addition to rules for quran recitation, the Noble Qur’an is the word of Allah that was revealed to the last of the prophets, Muhammad – peace be upon him – for clarification and miracle in word and meaning, and its recitation is an act of worship to Allah.
It was transmitted to us from the Messenger in succession from the beginning of Surah Al-Fatihah to the end of Surah Al-Nas. It is the last of the heavenly books, and Allah has preserved it from alteration and distortion. Throughout the ages and eras, it is a complete and comprehensive approach to the life of a believer.
There is nothing that a person needs in his life that Allah- Glory be to Him – has not mentioned in His Book, and established the correct approach for it to facilitate and ease the life of the believer.