what is hajj in islam

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hajj in islam was imposed on Muslims in the ninth year of the Hijra, and it is the fifth pillar of Islam. Those who meet the conditions must go to the Sacred House of Allah to perform the legitimate rituals of hajj in islam. It is obligatory for a Muslim once in his life, and whoever does more than that is voluntary. hajj in islam has types and conditions, pillars and duties, and sunnahs and prohibitions. Details and provisions for each of them will be explained below.

 Types of Hajj 

hajj in islam has three types, each of which has its own rules, which we will explain as follows: 

  • Tamattu’, which is for a Muslim to perform Umrah during the months of Hajj and then exit his Umrah, and when the day of Tarwiyah comes, he enters ihram for Hajj from Mecca, and both of them are on behalf of himself or his representative in one travel. If he performs Umrah during the months of Hajj and returns to his country and then performs hajj in islam again, he is not tamattu’. He must blood
  • The Qur’an means that Hajj and Umrah are combined in one ihram, and the intention is for both of them, and the intention for Umrah is given precedence over hajj in islam, and likewise their actions are the same. That is, one circumambulation and one sa’i are sufficient for him, and the pilgrim performing the Qur’an also has to offer a sacrifice.
  • Ifrad is when the pilgrim intends to perform Hajj only without Umrah, in which the pilgrim performs the entire hajj in islam rituals and begins entering ihram from his appointed time, and he is not required to pay a ransom.

Hajj conditions 

The conditions for hajj in islam are divided into three sections, which we mention as follows: 

1-Validity conditions 

There are two conditions: 

Islam: As for Islam, it is a condition without which Hajj is not valid. If an infidel performs hajj in islam, it is not valid for him and it is not sufficient if he does it.

  • The mind and as for the mind; It is also a condition for its validity. The hajj in islam of an insane person is not valid. As for the hajj in islam of a child without discernment, it is valid if he completes it and his guardian gives him permission. It is not sufficient, but rather it is voluntary for him.

2-Partial terms 

The terms of separation are:

  • Freedom: The first condition for recompense is freedom. The jurists of the four schools of thought agreed that hajj in islam on the part of a slave is neither obligatory nor sufficient, even though it is valid on his part. 
  • Puberty: The second condition is puberty. The hajj in islam is not obligatory for a boy, nor is it sufficient for him, and it is valid for him whether he has the ability to perform hajj in islam or not. If he has the ability to perform hajj in islam, he enters into ihram for himself, and if he is not able to perform it, his guardian enters into ihram on his behalf. This is what the majority of jurists have agreed upon.

 3-Obligatory conditions 

hajj in islam is obligatory for an adult, sane, free and capable Muslim. That is, ability is a condition for the obligation of Hajj. Whoever finds sufficient provisions for his expenses, the expenses of those whose expenses he is obligated to support.

And a suitable means of transportation for someone like him to ride on, and his path is safe, and he has the physical ability without severe hardship, then it is obligatory for him to perform hajj in islam, and the addition for women is the presence of a mahram and the absence of the waiting period.

Spatial times for Hajj 

They are places mentioned by the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and a Muslim who intends to perform hajj in islam to the Sacred House of Allah should not pass them unless he is in ihram, and they are as follows:

  • Dhu al-Hulayfa, which is known today as Ali Wells, is the miqat for the people of Medina, and the farthest from Mecca. 
  • Al-Juhfah is the meeqat of the people of the Levant, Egypt, and Morocco, and when it was removed, Muslims began to enter ihram from the Rabigh area.
  • Qarn al-Manazel is the specific spatial time for the people of Najd, Taif and those around them, and today it is called al-Sail al-Kabir. 
  • Yalamlam. This is the miqat of the people of Yemen and those around them, and its name today is Al-Saadiya. 
  • Dhat Irq This is the miqat of the people of the East and Iraq, Khurasan and those around them, and today it is called the tax or the Kharibat. 
  • Mecca, and this is the meeqat of the people of Mecca. Where they are deprived of their homes.

Pillars of Hajj 

hajj in islam has four pillars, which we mention as follows:

  • Ihram is for the pilgrim to intend to perform the rituals during the months of Hajj from the specific local time limit for the people of his country. 
  • Standing at Arafat during the time extending from noon on the ninth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah until dawn on the tenth day.
  • Tawaf al-Ifadah comes after stopping at Arafat and Muzdalifah, and remains for the pilgrim throughout his life, and there is no end for its time according to the majority of jurists. 
  • The Hajj sa’i comes after the Tawaf al-Ifadhah for the person performing tamattu’. As for the person performing the Hajj prayer or performing the Hajj pilgrimage, they may perform the Sa’i after the Tawaf al-Qudum.

Hajj duties 

hajj in islam has seven duties, which are as follows:

  • The pilgrim enters ihram from the miqat. 
  • The pilgrim stops at Arafat until sunset for those who stop there during the day. 
  • The pilgrim stays overnight in Muzdalifah on the night of the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah until midnight. 
  • Hajj’s overnight stay in Mina; During the three nights of Tashreeq. 
  • Throwing the stones in order. 
  • Shaving or shortening hair. 
  • Farewell Tawaf.

Hajj prohibitions 

hajj in islam has prohibitions that the pilgrim must avoid, and if he does them he will be punished, which are as follows: 

  • cutting or trimming nails. 
  • hair shaving. 
  • Head covering for males. 
  • Tailored and circumscribed clothing for males, and niqab and gloves for women. 
  • Intercourse, intercourse with women and intercourse with them. 
  • the hunt. 
  • Marriage contract. 
  • Perfuming.


At the end of the text, hajj in islam is the fifth pillar of Islam, and hajj in islam has many conditions and pillars that we mentioned in detail in the previous paragraphs. In addition, there are also many prohibitions that the pilgrim must avoid.

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