Tawaf al-Wadaa

Saying Goodbye to the Kaaba: The Meaning and Significance of Tawaf al-Wadaa

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Tawaf al-Wadaa is the last ritual of Hajj, where the pilgrim circumambulates seven times around the Kaaba, and Tawaf al-Wadaa was given this name. Because it is to bid farewell to the Sacred House, and it is also called Tawaf al-Sadr. Because it happens when people leave Mecca. That is, leaving it, and the pilgrim in ihram begins to circumambulate as usual. 

That is, exposing his right shoulder and placing the two ends of his robe on the left shoulder, and staring at the Black Stone, he faces it with his face and all of his body, and says: “ Allah is great.” It is permissible for him to say: “In the name of Allah, Allah is great,” and it is better for him to kiss him.

How to perform Tawaf al-Wadaa

The pilgrim in ihram begins the circumambulation by placing the Kaaba on his left, starting with the Black Stone and ending with it in each round, and the circumambulation takes place outside Ismail’s lap. Because the stone is considered part of the Kaaba, and the circulation takes place around the Kaaba.

And when he reaches the Yemeni Corner, he receives it with his hand, does not kiss it, and does not say “Allahu Akbar” to it. If he is not able to touch it, then there is no embarrassment, and it is not recommended to point to it, and he completes his circumambulation, and does as the Messenger did.

May Allah bless him and grant him peace. – As narrated by Abdullah bin Al-Sa’ib, when he said: (I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saying between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone, “Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire

Tawaf al-Wadaa does not have its own supplication. Rather, one may say whatever supplications he wishes, taking into account the legal etiquette of Tawaf. By not crowding, or looking at forbidden things, and other etiquette.

And after completing the seven rounds, he should cover his shoulder, and it is Sunnah for him to pray two rak’ahs at the Maqam Ibrahim; He reads in the first (Surat Al-Kafirun) and in the second (Surat Al-Ikhlas), and prays them at any time he wants.

Time for Tawaf al-Wadaa

The jurists detailed the start time of Tawaf al-Wadaa, the time it is recommended, and the time it ends, as follows:

1-Starting time: 

The jurists differed about the time at which the Tawaf al-Wadaa begins, according to two opinions: the Hanbalis, the Malikis, and the Shafi’is: They held that its time begins after a person has finished performing all the rituals in the Sacred House; Let him make the last circumambulation of his time, as the rituals end at the House.

 So the circumambulation will be their end and the last of the rituals, and thus the farewell circumambulation will be after the pilgrim has finished all his duties – as mentioned previously -. Hanafi: He begins on the days of sacrifice and after them, at any time he wants, even after the days of sacrifice.

 2-Desirable time: 

The jurists unanimously agreed that the time at which it is desirable to perform the Farewell Tawaf is after completing all of the Hajj rituals and intending to leave Mecca. They have cited a set of evidence, such as the hadith of the Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

(The people were commanded that their last pledge should be with the House, except… It was made easy for the menstruating woman), in addition to the actions of the Prophet in his noon, afternoon, sunset and evening prayers, then his Tawaf al-Wadaa, then his departure to Medina. 

3-End time: 

The jurists agreed that Tawaf al-Wadaa ends when the pilgrim has crosed the shortening distance from Mecca, then he is not obligated to return, but rather he must offer a sacrifice according to the one who said it is obligatory.

Ruling on Tawaf al-Wadaa

In Hajj, the majority of scholars are of the opinion that the ruling on Tawaf al-Wadaa of the pilgrim is obligatory, and a sacrifice must be paid by those who abandon it. For the hadiths that indicate its obligation, and the Malikis differed on this issue.

So they thought that he was a delegate abroad from Mecca. Whether he is from the people of Mecca, or from other than its people; They based their opinion on the fact that Tawaf al-Wadaa is not obligatory for menstruating women and postpartum women, and if it were obligatory, it would be obligatory for them. 

The majority responded to this by pointing out that the hadiths that were reported permitting it to be waived for some groups are not valid to cite in order to waive its obligation for others, because it was a matter of specializing to them.

Ruling on the farewell tawaf during Umrah 

The jurists agreed that Tawaf al-Wadaa of the Umrah pilgrim who circumambulated and then left Mecca is sufficient for the farewell circumambulation. For the action of Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her – during the Umrah at Tanim, except that they differed regarding the pilgrim who performed his Umrah and remained in Mecca, and then wanted to travel.

Is it obligatory for him to perform the farewell tawaf, and that is based on two opinions, which are: The first opinion: It is not obligatory for him to perform the farewell tawaf; Whether he travels immediately after Umrah, or stays for a few days after it, rather it is recommended for him to perform the farewell circumambulation.

But it is not considered obligatory for him, and this is the opinion of the majority of the four schools of thought, as they said that the pilgrim has many rituals and in many places, so he must make his final circumambulation of the House. While the pilgrim does not move from home; Therefore, circumambulation is the last time he visits the Kaaba.


At the end of the text, Tawaf al-Wadaa is one of the pillars of Hajj and part of its rituals, and it is worth noting that we have shed light on all the provisions related to Tawaf al-Wadaa through the paragraphs of our article.

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