islamic tutor online

Top Websites Offering Affordable islamic tutor online

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Have you ever wanted to enhance your religious knowledge, but there was always an obstacle? Don’t have enough time? Don’t know places to study Islamic sciences near you? Well, we have the solution for you, this article will be your complete guide to islamic tutor online all available platforms to learn Islamic sciences completely free of charge and from the comfort of your home. Let us help you step by step to complete the registration in the program that suits you.

1.Al Hafidz Academy

It is at the top of the academies that provide islamic tutor online, as it has the best elite of teachers of Sharia subjects ever, with great scientific experience supported by academic experience in the field of Sharia sciences.

2.Al Furqan Academy for Islamic Culture

The Academy offers you an islamic tutor online, and the curricula for the current semester are five subjects.

Academy Programs

  • Creed Subject: The book Fundamentals of Faith will be studied, which is consistent with the approach of the Sunnis and the community, and will be lectured by: Eng. Alaa Hamed.
  • Hadith Subject: In which 40-42 hadiths will be studied, from the Forty Nawawi Collection, which includes the rules of Islam in transactions, worship, and correcting behavior, and will be lectured by: Sh. Ahmed Abdel Salam.
  • Jurisprudence Subject: The book Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar will be studied, and in it will be addressed the jurisprudence of worship, which includes the jurisprudence of purification and prayer, the jurisprudence of zakat, fasting, and Hajj, and will be lectured by Dr. Basem Abdul Rab Al-Rasoul.
  • Biography Subject: The study will be through the book Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum by Al-Mubarakfuri, starting from the mission until the Battle of Tabuk, to learn about the events, situations, and lessons learned, and will be lectured by Dr. Zain Al-Abidin Kamel.
  • Resisting Atheism: In this course, the learner learns about the concept of atheism, the reasons for falling into it, what are the characteristics of atheism and how to resist it? Then it moves on to learn about the most important rational evidence for the existence of Allah Almighty, and Dr. Hesham Azmy lectures in it.

3.Al Rajhi Mosque Electronic Academy for Teaching the Quran

Do you want to memorize and review the Holy Quran? Here is the opportunity, through Al Rajhi Mosque  you can choose the islamic tutor online that suits you to complete memorizing the Holy Quran in a year, or two years, or complete the last ten days only. The program plan is three days a week, so you choose the group that suits you between:

Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.

Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

The duration of the episode is two hours, and you can choose the time that suits you, whether morning, afternoon or evening, noting that the timing is according to the time of Mecca Al-Mukarramah.

The program is available for men and women, free distance learning through interactive virtual classes, noting that the teachers have licenses.

4.Talib Al-Ilm Platform

It is a foundational platform for islamic tutor online, specializing in providing specialized scientific courses at the hands of an elite group of scholars of the people of the Sunnah and the community.

Platform Programs

  • General Course: In it, the Muhammadan Characteristics and the Ornament of the Student of Knowledge are explained by Sheikh/ Omar Al-Muqbil.
  • Hadith Science Course: It is divided into two sections:

Hadith Science (A) Explanation of Al-Biquniyah, which is suitable for beginners and intermediate students in Hadith Science.

Hadith Science (B) Explanation of the Elite of Thought.

  • Jurisprudence Course: In which the jurisprudence of fasting, its rulings, and related issues are studied.
  • The course of the fundamental scientific program: Consisting of four chapters.
  • The course of origins and rules: In which the major jurisprudential rules and their contemporary applications are studied.
  • The course of sects and religions: It includes two subjects:
  • The subject of How to invite an atheist / Christian / Hindu / Buddhist / Christian to Islam through seven visual lectures by the lecturer Dr. Haitham Talaat.
  • The subject of Biblical Criticism (first level): An introduction to the study of the Christian holy book in eight visual lectures accompanied by Muhammad Shaheen Al-Taeb.
  • The course of grammar: In which grammar (1) is studied through Ajrumiyyah.
  • The course of faith: In which three subjects are studied: The subject of origins of faith (Explanation of the ladder of access), which is a brief course in Islamic faith. In addition to the introduction to the study of the books of the Salaf 1+2.

5.Sheikh Al-Islam Scientific Institute

Sheikh Al-Islam Institute, supervised by Sheikh Abu Ishaq Al-Huwaini, as for the study mechanism, it is one preparatory year, followed by four more academic years, in which the prescribed Sharia subjects are studied in addition to completing the memorization of the Holy Qur’an within four years, Allah willing, according to a facilitated plan to facilitate memorization and review.

Institute Programs

Study is on Friday of every week, and the following courses are studied:

  • Jurisprudence: from the book of Facilitated Jurisprudence.
  • Aqeedah: from the book of Fundamentals of Faith.
  • Hadith: from the book of Al-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths.
  • Tajweed: from the book of Al-Burhan fi Tajweed Al-Quran.
  • You can view the rest of the courses for the rest of the groups through their official website.
  • The lectures are saved according to a specific date for each group through the institute’s interactive channels on the Telegram application; for easy viewing and listening to them at any time.

6.Taj Al-Karamah Program

It is a program that aims to invest in people’s hearts and minds turning to the Qur’an in Ramadan, to form a relationship that accompanies the Qur’an and life in its spaciousness through several levels and over a period of time estimated at five months by islamic tutor online. The most important goals of the program are:

  • Raising the value of the Qur’an in souls.
  • Removing barriers between people and the Qur’an.
  • Broadening awareness through revelation.
  • Reviving the Sunnah of study.
  • Building Qur’anic schooling skills.
  • Forming the ability to contemplate.
  • Education through the Qur’an.
  • Correcting recitation.

7.Journey Academy for Seeking Islamic Knowledge

An Islamic academy that offers several islamic tutor online and courses based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, according to the approach of the people of the Sunnah and the community, and with the understanding of the righteous predecessors.

The study materials come to you in the form of audio recordings, in addition to a set of textbooks in pdf format. The academy also provides interactive lectures with a weekly schedule, in which the sheikh meets with the students to explain the material and solve the problems they face.

The study requires you to complete some periodic assignments and research, and the study programs are based on the courses of the Islamic University of Madinah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Academy Programs

The academy includes five programs:

  • Sharia Secondary.
  • The fundamental course, which is still open for applications, you can register through this link.
  • The degree of the student of knowledge.
  • The degree of Bachelor of Sharia.
  • The degree of Master.

At the conclusion of the text, Al Hafidz Academy is one of the best academies that provide islamic tutor online, as it has a distinguished work team with great experience in the field of memorizing the Qur’an and teaching Sharia subjects and Islamic sciences.

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