best online tajweed course

From Novice to Expert: Best Online Tajweed Course for Every Level

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Identifying the best online tajweed course differs depending on personal preferences and learning approaches. However, it’s universally recognized that mastering Tajweed holds great significance for every Muslim.

 Learning Tajweed, the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran, is a significant endeavor for Muslims seeking to deepen their understanding and spiritual connection with the Holy Book. With the advent of online education, aspiring learners can access Tajweed courses conveniently from anywhere. 

Alhafidz Academy is one of the online platform known for providing comprehensive Tajweed courses suitable for all levels, making it an excellent choice for those aiming to progress from novice to expert.

What is the best online tajweed course?

Firstly, we will talk about tajweed  to understand the prominent aspects that we will search for.

What does Tajweed mean?

Tajweed  refers to the set of rules and guidelines in reciting the Quran accurately and with proper pronunciation, respecting the phonetic and rhythmic aspects of the Arabic language

What are the benefits of learning tajweed?

The importance of tajweed  can be summarized as follows:

1-Accurate Recitation: 

Tajweed ensures the precise and correct recitation of the Quran, maintaining the integrity of the text as revealed.

2-Preservation of Meaning: 

Proper Tajweed safeguards the intended meanings of the Quranic verses, preventing misinterpretations that could arise from mispronunciation

3-Spiritual Connection: 

It enhances the spiritual connection of the reciter with the Quran by allowing for a deeper understanding and absorption of the divine message.

4-Educational Foundation:

 Tajweed serves as a foundational step for those aspiring to delve deeper into the Quranic studies, including Tafsir (interpretation), and Seerah (sayings and action of muhammad PBUH).

5-following the prophet:

All our pursuits in Islamic knowledge revolve around heeding the Prophet’s guidance. His emphasis on seeking knowledge wherever we are is a cornerstone of our learning journey, and when we learn Tajweed, we aim to recite the Quran in the same manner as he did.

Best online tajweed course content

here’s a brief outline of the typical content covered in a Best online tajweed course course:

1- articulation points(makharij alhuruf)

Makharij al-Huroof refers to the study of the points of articulation for Arabic letters. It’s a fundamental aspect of Tajweed that focuses on understanding where each letter originates in the vocal system when pronounced correctly. These articulation points are essential for reciting the Quran with precision and clarity. Here’s a brief overview of some key Makharij al-Huroof:

1-Al-Jawf (The Hollow of the Throat): 

Sounds originating from deep within the throat, such as the letters ا” (alif) and “ح” (haa).

2-Al-Halq (The Throat):

Sounds produced in the throat, including the letters “ه” (haa) and “ع” (ayn).

3-Al-Lisaan (The Tongue): 

Sounds formed by the tongue touching various parts of the mouth, such as the letters “ت” (taa) and “د” (daal).

4-Ash-Shafataan (The Lips):

 Sounds created by the contact of the upper and lower lips, like the letters “ب” (baa) and “و” (waaw).

5-Al-Khayshoom (The Nose): 

Nasal sounds produced through the nose, such as the letters “م” (meem) and “ن” (noon).

2-letters’ characteristics (sifat alhurouf )

Sifaat al-Hurouf” refers to the characteristics or attributes of Arabic letters in the context of Tajweed, which involves the proper recitation of the Quran. Understanding these attributes is essential for reciting the Quran accurately and with the correct pronunciation. Here are some key characteristics:

1-Al-Hams : 

Weakening of sound production in a letter due to its weak reliance on the articulation point, resulting in the flow of breath along with its pronunciation. These ten letters exhibit Hams: س (seen), ف (faa), ح (haa), ه (haa), ث (thaa), ش (sheen), ص (saad), ت (taa), ك (kaaf), and خ (khaa)

2-Al-Jahr (Vocalization):

 This is the opposite of Hams. Its letters include all the remaining letters of the Arabic alphabet after excluding the letters of Hams. There are a total of nineteen such letters.

3-Al sheddah(Constriction):

 This term signifies the letter being firmly anchored at its point of pronunciation due to its strong reliance on that position in the articulation. Consequently, the sound is tightly produced along with it. There are eight letters that exhibit this characteristic: Al-Hamzah (ء), Al-Daal (د), Al-Jeem (ج), Al-Baa (ب), Al-Taa (ط), Al-Kaaf (ك), Al-Qaaf (ق), and Al-Taa (ت)

4-Ar-Rakhaawah (Relaxation): 

This characteristic stands in contrast to “shiddah” (constriction). Its letters encompass all the remaining letters of the Arabic alphabet, excluding those associated with “shiddah” (constriction)

3- rules of Noon sakinah and tanween

There are main four rules related to noon saakinah نْ and tanween, and they are:

Izhar ( clarification) :

And it happens when noon sakinah or tanween followed by one of the following letters, haa”هـ” , hamzah ء, haa ح, khaa خ, ayn ع , ghayn غ.

Ex (صِراطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ)



Here, when they are followed by any other letter except the izhar letters, noon will not be replaced with a nasal sound called ghunah.

Ex(وَالسَّابِقُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ مِنَ الْمُهاجِرِينَ وَالْأَنْصارِ)



And this happens when noon is followed by one of the following letters ya ي, ra ر. Meem م , Lam ل , wow و , and noon, the sound of noon will be merged with sound of noon to produce sound between izhar and ikhfaa.

Ex (أُولئِكَ عَلى هُدىً مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ)


Iqlab( conversion)

If noon is followed with baa ب, baa will be converted into noon with nasal sound( ghunnah).

Ex (قالَ يا آدَمُ أَنْبِئْهُمْ بِأَسْمائِهِمْ)


The rules of meem sakinah

There are two rules:

Ikhfaa shafawi

Concealment that happens when meem is followed by baa 

Ex “يعتصمْ بالله”


That happens when merm sakinah is followed by meem with vowel.

Ex( كمْ من)

There are many other rules, and through online tajweed course classes. There will be practices, Quizizz, and correction activities.

Quran Tajweed course online

Enrolling in an online online tajweed course offers several benefits, including: 

1-Accessibility and Flexibility:

Access to Tajweed education from anywhere, at any time, catering to different schedules and time zones

2-Structured Learning:

Well-organized curriculum and systematic approach to mastering Tajweed rules and principles

3-Professional Guidance:

Instruction from qualified Tajweed experts providing personalized feedback and guidance to improve recitation

4-Interactive Learning:

Engagement through multimedia, interactive lessons, videos, and quizzes to enhance understanding and retention

5-Individual Attention:

Smaller class sizes or one-on-one sessions enabling focused attention and customized learning experiences.

6-Recording and Playback:

Capability to record and listen to one’s own recitations, facilitating self-evaluation and improvement

7-Enhanced Concentration:

Some learners find they can concentrate better in the comfort of their own space, resulting in improved focus during online classes.

8-Variety of Courses and Instructors:

Access to a wide range of Tajweed courses and instructors, allowing learners to choose the best online tajweed course that fits their learning style and goals.




The best online tajweed course provides a comprehensive curriculum covering articulation points, letter characteristics, and Tajweed rules for accurate Quranic recitation. It offers practical application, feedback, and correction, fostering proficiency and beautiful recitation. Look for courses that suit your learning style and goals, guided by qualified instructors, and accessible from anywhere.

“Alhafidz academy for Quran Learning” is an educational institution dedicated to teaching and promoting Quranic memorization (Hifz). It offers specialized guidance and training for individuals seeking to memorize the Quran accurately, understand its meanings, and apply Tajweed rules for proficient recitation. 

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