salah in islam

Understanding Salah in Islam: Ritual Prayer, Importance, and Significance

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salah in islam is defined linguistically as supplication, and terminologically, salah in islam is defined as the worship of Allah Almighty with specific actions and words, opened with the takbir, and concluded with the salutation. You find reference to the great virtue and importance of salah in islam.

As Allah Almighty has imposed five prayers per day and night on every sane adult Muslim, so the Muslim should instruct his children By praying at the age of seven, and urging them to perform it. 

What are the rulings on salah in islam?

Some people may have a question about what are the rulings on salah in islam, and the answer can be that the rulings on prayer are divided into the conditions for the validity of prayer, the pillars of prayer, the duties of prayer, and the Sunnahs of prayer. 

It is worth noting that the validity of salah islam depends directly on the conditions, pillars, and duties, while the Sunnahs are linked to the perfection of prayer, as there is no Prayer is invalidated by abandoning it, but it is desirable to perform it following the example of the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and to increase the reward and reward. 

The Sunnahs are divided into verbal ones, such as the opening supplication, and reading a short surah after Al-Fatihah, and actual Sunnahs, such as placing the right hand on the left hand and placing them on the chest, and raising the hands. When saying “Allahu Akbar,” looking at the place of prostration, and many more. 

Pillars of salah in islam

The pillar is defined as what is included in the matter and is part of its parts, such that salah islam cannot be fulfilled unless it is present and fulfilled in its entirety, and prayer is ruled invalid due to neglecting or forgetting any of it, and the pillars of salah islam are:

  • Get up when you are able.
  • The opening takbirat.
  • Reading Surah Al-Fatihah.
  • Kneeling.
  • Lifting from kneeling.
  • Prostration.
  • Lifting from prostration.
  • Sitting between the two prostrations.
  • Reassurance in all corners.
  • Arrangement between pillars.
  • Sitting for the final tashahhud.
  • The last tashahhud and prayers be upon the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him.
  • Delivery of prayer.

Duties of salah islam

These are the actions or words that invalidate the salah in islam if the praying person neglects it intentionally. They are invalidated due to ignorance or forgetfulness and are forced by the prostration of forgetfulness. They are:

  • The takbirs in prayer except the takbirat al-Ihram (the takbir of entering prayer).
  • Saying: Glory be to my Lord the Great” while bowing.
  • Saying: “Allah hears those who praise Him” when the imam and the person standing alone rise from their bowing.
  • Saying: “Our Lord, praise be to You” when standing up from bowing.
  • Saying: “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High” while prostrating.
  • Saying: “Lord, forgive me” between the two prostrations.
  • Sitting for the first tashahhud.
  • The first tashahhud.

Sunnahs of salah in islam

These are the words and actions that are not invalidated because of her abandoning salah in islam, whether she left it intentionally or by mistake. They are:

  • Raising the hands towards the shoulders or above the ears when saying the takbir al-Ihram, when bowing, when rising from it, and when standing from the first tashahhud.
  • Place the right hand on the left and place them on the chest.
  • Looking at the position of prostration in salah in islam.
  • The opening prayer.
  • Seeking refuge after the opening supplication.
  • Say: “Amen” after reciting Surat Al-Fatihah.
  • Reciting what is possible from the Qur’an after Surah Al-Fatihah in the first two rak’ahs.
  • Raising the voice when reciting aloud and lowering it when praying silently.
  • Spread the fingers apart when placing them on the knees.
  • Extend your back while bowing.
  • Increasing the number of times one praise is given in both bowing and prostration.
  • Place the knees before the hands when prostrating, and raise the hands before the knees when standing from prostration.
  • Joining the fingers of both hands in prostration.
  • Spreading between the toes while prostrating.
  • Facing the Qiblah with the tips of the toes and hands while prostrating.
  • Increase your supplication during prostration.
  • Sitting for a rest before standing up for the second and fourth rak’ahs.
  • Looking at the index finger when pointing at it during tashahhud.
  • Reciting the Abrahamic prayer after the first tashahhud.
  • Turn right and left when praying.

Disliked prayers

Several things are disliked in salah in islam that contradict humility, which are:

  • Looking right and left during salah in islam without need.
  • Looking at the sky.
  • Extending the arms fully while prostrating.
  • shortening; That is, keep the hands on the waist.
  • Looking at what removes humility in salah islam.
  • Praying in the presence of distractions and distractions.
  • Tampering with the senses or the place unnecessarily.
  • Interlacing or cracking the fingers.
  • Performing prayer in the presence of food.
  • Praying by squeezing urine or stool.
  • The person praying spits in front of him or to his right.
  • Cover the mouth.
  • Yawning during salah islam.
  • Eating onions, garlic, or something similar before performing the prayer in congregation.
  • Voluntary prayer when sleepy.

Things That invalidates salah islam

salah in islam is invalidated and missed due to several things, including:

  • Eating or drinking intentionally.
  • Speaking intentionally about things that are not related to salah in islam.
  • Moving a lot on purpose.
  • Leaving one of the pillars of salah islam or one of its conditions intentionally without an excuse.
  • Laughter in salah islam.

benefits of salah in islam

The people of knowledge have explained that everything that Islamic law brings regarding duties and acts of worship includes the good of this world and the hereafter, and what is included in Islamic law is prayer, and in fact, salah in islam has many benefits and interests, and some of them are explained below:

1-Achieving the purpose of creating humans: The greatest purpose for which Allah Almighty created creation, sent down the Books, and sent the Messengers, is to worship Him alone with no partners, to feel His oversight, and to be connected to Him at all times.

2-salah in islam is a reason for tranquility of the heart and peace of mind: since prayer is the apple of the servant’s eye, in confirmation of what Anas bin Malik – may Allah be pleased with him – narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – that he said: (He made the apple of my eye in prayer)

3-Using it for worldly concerns: A person may go through events and situations during his life that cause him worry and sadness, and there is no better way than complaining to get rid of sorrows and pressures, and a Muslim only complains about his treasure and his worries to Allah Almighty.


At the conclusion of the text, salah in islam is obligatory for every Muslim. Allah Almighty has entrusted us with it, and salah islam has pillars and conditions that are not valid without them. Therefore, we mentioned in our article all the details related to the provisions of prayer.

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