Tanween Rules

Demystifying Tanween Rules for Flawless Quran Recitation

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One of the most significant subjects in the Tanween Rules is Noon Saakin and Tanween. To construct and understand Arabic words as well as the Quran, one must possess tanween, a key aspect of Arabic grammar and pronunciation.ย 

The rules that specify how to pronounce the letter “Noon” sakin when reading the Holy Qur’an are known as the “Noon Saakin Rules” in Tajweed.ย 

Noon Saakin and Tanween are essential to understanding Quranic Arabic and are crucial in enhancing one’s ability to interpret the Holy Quran’s passages.

Tanween Rules

The Holy Quran is the only book whose recitation is regarded as a form of worship and has great reward. This speech or any other literature does not match this description.

Thus, every Muslim must memorize and recite the Quran in the same way that it was revealed to Our Holy Prophet ๏ทบ. As we go on to the recital, we shall do our utmost to thoroughly learn every Meem Sakinah regulation.ย ย 

To ensure accuracy and precision in our recitation, we learn about the tanween rules in tajweed of noon saakin and tanween here.

It is advised to study the Great Benefits of Learning the Tajweed Quran before we discuss Noon Saakin and Tanween and begin practicing understanding its laws. These are also extremely significant and necessary.

Additionally, we must explain why it is important to understand this terminology and use it when reciting the Holy Quran. It is well known that reading the Quran accurately entails correctly reciting it in compliance with the Tajweed guidelines.

Our Prophet Muhammad ๏ทบ was given the Noble Qur’an by Allah Almighty in this manner (with Tajweed), along with instructions to repeat its verses, think about and comprehend their meanings, and beautify (chant) its recitation to set it apart from other textual readings.

Tajweed’s originsย 

Tajweed’s origins may be traced back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He established the benchmark for how the Quran should be eloquently delivered because of his fascinating recitation technique.ย 

After that, these admirable lessons were painstakingly maintained and transmitted down the centuries, guaranteeing that we might still profit from them now.

After the Islamic caliphate grew, in the third century of Hijra, academics were interested in creating tajweed laws. Muslims made several blunders when reciting the Quran at this time. The disparity in language and dialects among Muslims who are not Arab contributed to an increase in these inaccuracies.

During the time of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the science of tajweed was substantially developed.ย ย 

However, following his passing and the growth of the Islamic state, academics began to formulate the tajweed norms to solidify it in theory.

Tajweed Science was founded by Al Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi. The first academic to establish its guidelines was him.

What Are Tanween And Noon Saakin?

A Noon without Harakah or a Sukoon sign without dammah, fatha, or kasrah is known as a Noon Saakinah.

Noon Sakenah, also known as non-voweled, is a Noon letter that has a Sukoon or remains motionless.

The noon sakinah can be written without a vowel or with a sukoon.

Tanween is the Noon Sakin that follows the nouns. Though not written, it is pronounced as Noon Sakinah. Tanween is a sign of double the signs, or harakat: two Kasrah, two Fatha, and two Dammah.

Tanween is typically translated as “nonation,” which denotes doubling the word’s last short vowel.

The Tajweed Rules for Noon Sakinah and Tanween: There are four standard rules in Tajweed for Noon Sakinah and Tanween. Tanween and Noon Sakinah both follow the same guidelines because Tajweed is essentially a pronunciation issue and both words are pronounced identically.

Tanween and Noon Sakinah’s regulations are based on the letter that comes after them in a word. This letter specifies whether Izhar, Idghaam, Iqlaab, or Ikhfaa will be the pronunciation of the Noon Sakinah/Tanween.ย 

The three primary Tanween rules

Tanween is the practice of finishing words with vowels like -un, -an, and -in with a short “n” sound. Three key guidelines need to be followed while appropriately pronouncing words in Tanween:ย 

  • Izhar (pronouncing tanween clearly)
  • Iqlab (which converts tanween to the sound “m”).ย  We will know How to Learn Tajweed Iqlab Rules in detail at the end of the article.
  • Idgham (tanween melting into the subsequent consonant).ย 

Particular requirements for each rule dictate how Tanween should be pronounced depending on the surrounding letters.

Tanween Rules in Tajweed: how do you do it?

What does it imply to “double the Arabic vowels” in tanween? The vowels Fatha, Kasra, and Damma are known to us. You may get the tanween sign by doubling them. Let’s first examine the writing for each of the three short vowels:

  • Fatha is like that (ู€ูŽ)
  • Kasra is like that (ู€ู)
  • Damma is like that (ู€ู)

The result of multiplying them to obtain the tanween is as follows:

  • In Tanween with fatha is like that (ู€ู‹)
  • Tanween kasra is like that (ู€ู)
  • Tanween damma is like that (ู€ูŒ)

Arabic terms for the three varieties are tanween with Fathatain, Kasratain, and Dammatain.

Why is it important to know Tanween Rules in Tajweed?

In the Islamic religion, Tajweed, or the accurate pronunciation and recitation of the Quran, is extremely important:

Improving the recitation’s melodic beauty:

The accurate recitation of the Quran, known as Tajweed, adds to the recitation’s artistic quality. The reader can produce a harmonic and attractive sound according to Tajweed’s guidelines, which will enhance and captivate the recitation.

Maintaining Arabic letter articulation and pronunciation correctly:

Tajweed makes certain that every Arabic letter is spoken precisely and correctly. This is important because the Arabic text in which the Quran was revealed has distinct phonemes and meanings for each letter. Maintaining Tajweed keeps the integrity of the Quranic text intact by preventing any mispronunciations or distortions of the letters.

Assisting in correctly communicating the desired meaning:

The goal of Tajweed is to highlight the subtleties and exact meanings found in the passages of the Quran. Readers can effectively communicate the intended themes and ensure proper interpretation and comprehension of the Quran by following Tajweed.

Understanding the Quran’s minute aspects to strengthen one’s relationship with it:

Tajweed is the study of the pauses, rhythmic flow, and pitch changes of the Quran being recited. Acquiring knowledge of these minute nuances helps people appreciate the beauty and complexity of the Quran’s language and structure, which strengthens their bond with it.

Sharpening attention and focus when reciting:

Tajweed demands recitationists to be extremely aware of their pronunciation, rhythm, and cadence.ย ย 

This increased attention sharpens focus and facilitates total present-mind engagement during recitation, which heightens the spiritual experience.

Increasing memorizing abilities by practice and repetition:

By adhering to Tanween Rules and Tajweed guidelines, people practice repeatedly, which facilitates Quran memorization. Tajweed’s methodical technique and concentration on regular recitation improve memory retention and speed up the learning process.

Getting disciplined about following the rules:

Tajweed helps people develop self-discipline as they make an effort to abide by the guidelines constantly. This discipline goes beyond memorization and has a good effect on many areas of life, encouraging self-control and loyalty to values.

How to Learn Tajweed Iqlab Rules

We know that Iqlab is one of the three primary Tanween rules, so let’s know now how to learn Tajweed Iqlab Rules:

Recognize the fundamental ideas of Tajweed:

You need to grasp the fundamentals of Tajweed before you can become an expert in Iqlab rules. These guidelines include using the proper intonation, rhythm, letter pronunciation, and note articulation. After you have a firm grasp of these fundamentals, you may study the particular regulations of Tajweed, such as Iqlab.

Study the Iqlab regulations:

Iqlab has rather simple rules. You have to change the sound of Noon Saakin or Tanween to the sound of Meem when they are by the letter Ba. Meem is pronounced with closed lips to comply with this guideline.ย ย 

For instance, the letter Ba comes after the Noon Saakin in the phrase “Inbaa,” thus you have to change the Noon Saakin sound to the Meem sound.

Utilize Iqlab:

Gaining proficiency with Iqlab rules in Tajweed requires practice. You can begin by using basic terms that contain Tanween or Noon Saakin, followed by the letter Ba, to practice the Iqlab norms. Go on to longer, more complicated words and phrases gradually. Pay attention to the expert’s recital of Tajweed and make an effort to follow along. It will assist you in acquiring the proper intonation and pronunciation.

Obtain comments:

Seeking advice from a Tajweed specialist is crucial to making sure you abide by the regulations.ย ย 

If you are unable to consult an expert, you might record your recitation and listen to it afterward to find any errors or places that require work.

Practice often:

To become proficient with Tajweed’s Iqlab rules, practice is crucial. Establish a timetable and follow it. Make time for Tajweed practice every day for a specified period. Over time, it will assist you in being more consistent and advancing your abilities.

Consult a teacher for advice:

Let’s say you are committed to learning Iqlab rules in Tajweed under the direction of a professional instructor. An instructor can address any concerns you may have and offer tailored criticism and guidance on your recitation.

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