learn quranic arabic online

Top 10 Online Courses to learn quranic arabic online Effortlessly

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The Arabic language is the most widely spoken language within the group of Semitic languages, and it is one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world. It is of utmost importance to Muslims, as it is the language of the Holy Qur’an, and prayer and other acts of worship cannot be completed without it, and by mastering some of its words. Its spread, and its establishment have influenced the rise in the status of the language. The Arabic language contains twenty-eight letters. So in the following lines we will discuss how to learn quranic arabic online. 

The importance of the Arabic language 

In addition to learn quranic arabic onlinehere are the importance of the Arabic language;

  • The language of the Holy Qur’an and complete clarification cannot be achieved without it, and this indicates that all other languages ​​are inferior to it in clarification. 
  • The key to the Qur’an and Sunnah; It is the means to access their secrets and understand their subtleties, and the connection of the Arabic language to this revealed and preserved book made it preserved as long as it was preserved, so its connection to the Qur’an is the reason for its survival and spread. 
  • It enables its owner to establish an argument against people. 
  • A person cannot be a witness for Allah if he does not understand what he bears witness to; Because knowledge is a condition for testimony. 
  • Getting used to speaking the Arabic language affects the mind, character, and religion, and preserving it is part of religion and is a great characteristic of this nation.

General objectives of teaching the Arabic language 

The objectives of learn quranic arabic online represent in the following

  • That the student grows up with a love of the Arabic language, the language of the Holy Quran. 
  • To learn about the beauties of the Arabic language and its literature, and for the student to gain the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language. 
  • Introducing the student to the correct Arabic language words, correct structures, and methods in an interesting and attractive way. 
  • The student should take advantage of his free time by reading, reading, and returning to the library. 
  • Enabling the student to read correctly, and to acquire the ability to use the language correctly in communicating with others; Such as speed, quality of delivery, and good expression, and getting him used to listening well to what he hears, which makes his affairs easier for him and helps him meet his needs.
  • Developing the student’s literary taste so that he understands the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings, and images. 
  • Acustoming the student to sound, clear expressions of his thoughts and what comes under his senses in speech and writing, and using punctuation marks well. 

Features of the Arabic language

Learning the Arabic language is not like learning other languages. learn quranic arabic online course carries within it an ancient heritage that has flourished for thousands of years.

Ehich makes it the most ancient and valuable among the languages ​​of the world. Consequently, the advantages of the Arabic language have multiplied over the years and centuries to bear all the advantages and experiences of previous generations, such as:

  • Being the language of the Holy Qur’an, which exalted its status and placed it at the forefront of languages, as it honors it as the language of the divine speech of our Messenger, our Master Muhammad.
  • Its wide vocabulary and wide variety of meanings make it most widely used in figurative sentences and semantic expressions.
  • The formation that makes words carry a musical timbre while speaking Arabic.
  • Parsing that facilitates understanding the meaning so that the reader is not confused
  • Its importance as the language of Arabic poetry, which is considered a great Arab heritage, has made the Arabic language one of the most important historical records that recorded the customs, traditions, and lives of the ancients for thousands of years in a form that is understandable and known to us today.
  • The interconnection of meters in the Arabic language, and this is what is studied in Arabic morphology, where the diversity of meaning of a single linguistic root of the same word becomes clear when it is placed on different meters.
  • The importance of setting in the Arabic language, as the meaning changes with the change in the diacritics written on the word, such as the word (mahr – mahr), as the first means the wife’s dowry from her husband, and the second means a young horse.
  • The Arabic language keeps pace with all eras and times, which is evident today, as we still use the Arabic language to speak at many times in our lives, such as: official conferences, scientific and educational seminars, and religious sermons in mosques.

Benefits of learning Arabic 

learn quranic arabic online is not just to excel in schools and pass exams, but there are many things that force you to learn classical Arabic and master it in a distinctive way.

And this is evident from the importance and benefits of learning the Arabic language in raising the efficiency of Arab students in the skill of communicating with others through formulating speech in an interesting way, as well as Delivering speeches at official occasions in a linguistically in-depth manner.

learn quranic arabic online also helps anyone improve their expressive abilities, in terms of using words in the correct places and speaking more tactfully, in addition to its importance in interpreting ancient books, learning about the history of previous civilizations, and understanding their cultures.

One of the most important benefits of learn quranic arabic online is that it opens many prospects for its masters to work in the most important jobs in any place, such as: journalism, education, translation, revision, linguistic review, writing important letters to institutions, and teaching non-Arabic speakers.


Therefore, we have explained to you how to learn quranic arabic online, while mentioning the importance and benefits of learning the historical and practical Arabic language, the most important characteristics and features of the Arabic language that make it in a different position from other languages, as well as the most important benefits that a student or any individual learning classical Arabic can gain, and the most important methods. 

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