is smoking haram in quran

is smoking haram in Quran ?

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Scientists have agreed that smoking is haram in quran according to Islamic law. Because of the malice, harm, and evils that are many and great, for the smoker and for other family members, friends, and everyone who is near him when he smokes. It has been medically proven that smoking has a negative effect on various organs of the body, and its effect goes beyond harm to money and the mind, as this has been proven by legal evidence from the Qur’an. The Holy One and the Noble Prophet’s Sunnah.

Smoking is haram in quran

Smoking was not known in Islam, and its plant was not present or available, so the ancient jurists did not mention it, and the first knowledge of it was in Muslim countries in approximately the year one thousand AH.

Then this plant became popular and spread, and the jurists began to disagree about its ruling, as some of them saw smoking as forbidden. Some of them saw it as permissible, and some of them saw it as haram in quran.

This difference was the result of ignorance of its harmful effects, but now scholars have agreed on its effects and harm to the human body and health, and the opinion of contemporary scholars is that smoking is haram in quran according to Islamic law. According to what was confirmed by specialists and experts from medical and scientific bodies.

Evidence of the prohibition of smoking 

Scientists have provided evidence for the ruling on smoking haram in quran using several legal texts from the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and other medical evidence. Below is a mention of this evidence: Evidence of prohibition from the Holy Qur’an. 

  • There are many noble verses in the Book of Allah Almighty from which the prohibition of smoking is deduced. We will mention them among them. Allah Almighty says:

(وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ).

  • This is a general rule stated in the Holy Qur’an. To measure innovations in matters; Such as smoking, heroin, and other things that have been introduced. With this rule, we permit everything that is good, and forbid everything that is bad, and everything that causes more harm than good is also haram in quran.

(وَلا تُلْقُوا بِأَيْدِيكُمْ إِلَى التَّهْلُكَةِ).

  • Smoking leads to the soul being destroyed, so it is not permissible for a person to kill himself, as the verse indicates the prohibition of everything that leads to the destruction of the soul.

(وَلا تَقْتُلُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا).

  • It was mentioned in the books of interpretation that this verse was revealed to Amr ibn al-Aas when he was struck by impurity during one of the battles, and the weather was very cold, and it was impossible to use water, so he performed tayammum and prayed as evidence of this noble verse, so what about smoking, which causes death, damage, and harm.

(وَلَا تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا* إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِرَبِّهِ كَفُورًا).

Evidence of prohibition from the Sunnah of the Prophet 

General prophetic hadiths were reported from the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The ruling on smoking is forbidden falls under their learned rules and meanings. We mention from them the words of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace -: 

  • (No harm, no harm). So all that Its harm has been proven. It is forbidden, and smoking is harmful to the body, the economy, and money. 
  • (Indeed, Allah hates gossip, asking too many questions, and wasting money.)  The word “dislike” here indicates prohibition, as stated in some of the words of the Holy Qur’an.
  • The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like a musk carrier and a bellows blower.) So the blower of a bellows is the blacksmith who blows with fire, and the cigar carrier or smoker is like the one who blows fire. He smells bad, his clothes are burned, and he harms those around him by blowing and smoking. 
  • (All of my nation is safe except those who openly) The smoker is openly committing sin.

Other evidence 

A number of scholars have proven the prohibition of smoking with other evidence, some of which are mentioned below: 

  • Smoking is harmful and may cause types of cancer. 
  • Smoke is a harmful, unpleasant smell to most people. 
  • Smoking is harmful to religion, and distracts from more important matters in a person’s life. S
  • Smoking causes sedation and confusion, and may lead to a state similar to intoxication in some people who consume a lot of it. 
  • Smoking is a cause of extravagance and waste.

Tips to quit smoking 

In addition to haram in quran. We advise smokers with these valuable tips, perhaps Allah – Glory be to Him – will help them to quit smoking, or gradually and reduce them:

  • Relying on Allah – the Almighty – and trusting Him well, and strengthening the resolve. 
  • Changing the place or company associated with this habit, and practicing hobbies. 
  • Don’t pay attention to the words of the frustrated. 
  • Remedy the situation before the ban comes from doctors, and the situation will then be bad.
  • Drink a cup of bitter lemon or sour early in the morning before smoking. 
  • It has been said that it helps in abandoning it and dispensing with it with some type of beneficial fruit. 
  • Fasting voluntarily and drawing closer to Allah Almighty, and making frequent supplications and resorting to Allah.

Means to help quit smoking 

  • Quitting smoking is not as difficult as many smokers think, as there are several methods that help the smoker quit; Among them are the following: Determination to repent to Allah for smoking and ask Him for help in quitting it. 
  • Maintaining the five daily prayers; As it prohibits indecency and evil. Remember the deadly damage caused by smoking. 
  • Stay away from everything that increases the desire to smoke, such as sitting with smokers. 
  • Smoking is just a habit, and you can replace it with another habit.
  •  Knowing that the euphoria obtained from smoking is temporary, and quickly fades and turns into serious consequences. 
  • The strength of intention and will to leave and quit.
  • Patience and persistence when starting to quit smoking. Because it will become easier and simpler later and its owner will not return to it.


At the end of the text, smoking is haram in quran, and there are many hadiths that prohibit smoking. We also mentioned many pieces of evidence in the Holy Qur’an that indicate the smoking haram in quran.

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