imam ali ibn abi talib

imam ali ibn abi talib: The Beacon of Justice in Islamic History

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imam ali ibn abi talib, may Allah bless his face, is the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and his son-in-law from his family. The fourth of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, one of the ten promised Paradise, one of the six companions of the Shura Council, and one of those who died while the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was satisfied with them. imam ali ibn abi talib is the second or third person to convert to Islam, and the first of the boys to convert to Islam.

Who is Ali bin Abi Talib?

imam ali ibn abi talib is Ali ibn Abi Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka’b ibn Luay ibn Ghalib ibn Fahr ibn Malik ibn al-Nadr ibn Kinana ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah ibn Ilyas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Ma’ad ibn Adnan. His lineage goes back to the Prophet Ismail bin Ibrahim, peace be upon them. He is the cousin of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

His mother: 

Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf. It was said that she was the first Hashemi woman to give birth to Hashemi. She converted to Islam and migrated to Medina. She died during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He prayed over her, descended into her grave, and praised her, may Allah have mercy on her.

His brothers: 

male, Talib, Aqeel, and Jaafar. Among the females are Hind, known as Umm Hani, Jumana, Rita al-Makanat, known as Umm Talib, and Asma.

A summary of the life of Ali bin Abi Talib 

imam ali ibn abi talib is the youngest son of his father, Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, one of the leaders of Quraish and the one responsible for watering there. His lineage goes back to the Prophet of Allah, Ismail bin Abraham.

His mother is Fatima bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf, who was said to be the first Hashemite to give birth to a Hashemi. His father sponsored the Messenger of Allah when his parents and grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, died, so he was raised and raised in their home.

It is not known with certainty when Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, was born, but according to some sources, he was born in Mecca on Friday the thirteenth of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant. He is the youngest son of his father, Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, uncle of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. 

One of the leaders of Quraish and responsible for watering there. imam ali ibn abi talib had sponsored the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, when his parents and grandfather died when he was young, so he was raised and raised in his home.

Where was Ali raised and why did Allah honor his face?

The Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – sponsored Ali after a severe crisis befell the Quraish one year, as a result of which people were affected. Abu Talib had many children, so the Prophet came to him with Abbas, so that each of them could sponsor one of his sons, so that they would alleviate his distress. Al-Abbas sponsored Jaafar, and the Prophet sponsored Ali.

imam ali ibn abi talib was raised in the house of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and was with him wherever he went. He would go with him to the Cave of Hira to worship and pray. 

It is also mentioned that before Islam he was a Hanafi who had never prostrated to an idol in his entire life. That is why Muslims say, “May Allah honor his face” after mentioning his name, and it was said that he did not look at the private parts. Nobody ever.

His conversion to Islam, may God be pleased with him

imam ali ibn abi talib, may Allah bless his face, converted to Islam when he was young, after the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, presented Islam to his relatives from Banu Hashim. In implementation of what is stated in the Holy Qur’an. 

It was reported in some sources that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gathered his family and relatives for a feast, presented Islam to them, and said that whoever believed in it would be his guardian, guardian, and successor after him. 

No one answered him except Ali, may Allah be pleased with him. This hadith was called the Hadith of the Day of Home or the warning of the Day of Home, and Allah Almighty knows best.

And in a narration on the authority of Anas bin Malik: “The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was sent on a Monday, and he greeted me on a Tuesday,” and Allah Almighty knows best.

imam ali ibn abi talib in the life of the Prophet

After imam ali ibn abi talib, may Allah be pleased with him, arrived in Medina and settled there, he married Fatima Al-Zahra, may Allah be pleased with her, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the month of Safar in the second year of the Hijra, and he did not marry another woman during her life.

Ali and Fatima Al-Zahra, may Allah be pleased with them, gave birth to Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them, in the third and fourth years of the Hijra, respectively. He also gave birth to Zainab and Umm Kulthum, may 6 be pleased with them. 

Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, was trusted by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. He was one of the writers of revelation who wrote down the Holy Qur’an during the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

imam ali ibn abi talib was also one of its ambassadors who carried messages and called the tribes to Islam. The Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, consulted him on many matters, just as he consulted him on what is known as the Al-Ifk incident. 

imam ali ibn abi talib witnessed the pledge of allegiance to Al-Ridwan, and the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, then ordered him to write down the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and bear witness to it.


imam ali ibn abi talib had a high position of knowledge and wisdom. One of the Companions most knowledgeable about judicial matters. imam ali ibn abi talib – may Allah be pleased with him – was also known for his generosity and generosity. imam ali ibn abi talib believed that fulfilling the needs of others was dearer to his heart than the gold and silver on earth, and the endowments that he endowed amounted to forty thousand dinars.

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