do you have to wear hijab to read quran

do you have to wear hijab to read quran

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In the language, the hijab is known as a covering, and in the concept of Islamic law, it is what a woman puts on her hair as a head covering, so that it obscures her hair and the outlines of the face. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, we will discuss the ruling on the hijab while read quran.

Is it permissible to read the Qur’an without a hijab?


It is permissible for a woman to read quran without a hijab, and she is not required to wear the hijab to read the Qur’an. There is no clear and explicit evidence that requires her to wear the hijab when read quran. Rather, it is recommended for a woman to wear the hijab when reading the Holy Qur’an out of discipline with the word of Allah – Allah Almighty.

And because wearing the hijab when read quran is considered one of the adornments that the predecessors, such as Ibn Abbas and Urwa – may Allah be pleased with them – talked about, and the hijab is the best and most complete adornment.


Is it permissible to perform prostration of recitation without a hijab? 

There were many opinions among scholars regarding the ruling on prostration of recitation without a hijab. Some scholars considered prostration of recitation to be similar to the ruling on prayer, as it requires what is required in prayer in terms of ablution and covering. 

Accordingly, they made it obligatory for women to wear the hijab when performing the prostration of recitation, and some scholars held that it should not be considered. Prostration of recitation is similar to the ruling on prayer, and they did not stipulate for it what is required for prayer in terms of ablution and covering. 

They said that it is permissible to prostrate for recitation without a hijab for a woman, but it is more prudent for a woman to wear the hijab when performing the prostration of recitation to avoid disagreement.

Some scholars are of the opinion that purity is not required when performing the prostration of recitation, such as: Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allah have mercy on him -; Because he did not consider the prostration of recitation like prayer; He did not stipulate for her what is required for prayer, such as facing the Qiblah or purity. 


The majority of jurists stipulate for the validity of prostration of recitation that the time for prostration has begun. The beginning of the time for the prostration of recitation is achieved by reading or hearing all the words of the verse of prostration of recitation. 


If a person prostrates before completing the verse of prostration of recitation, even by one letter; His prostration is incorrect. Because he prostrated before the time for prostration of recitation began, and the prayer is not valid before the time for prayer began, so the prostration of recitation takes the rulings on prayer in that regard. It is not valid before its time has come

Etiquette of reading the Qur’an 

read quran is considered the best of dhikr, as it is better than glorifying, glorifying, and exalting Allah. It is recommended to read the Holy Qur’an at all times of the day and night. To gain the satisfaction of Allah Almighty and to gain His Paradise, and to recite the Holy Qur’an there are many etiquettes, including the following:

Faithfulness to Allah Almighty alone; 

The reciter of the Holy Qur’an must intend, by reading the Holy Qur’an, to gain the satisfaction of Allah Almighty, and the reward and rewards resulting from read quran, and not to intend any of the worldly purposes of positions, money, fame, or elevation among the people.


It is desirable for the reader of the Holy Qur’an to read with purity and ablution. If he reads the Holy Quran without ablution, it is permissible according to the consensus of the nation’s scholars, and he has not committed something hateful. Rather, he has gone against what is better and better by reading the Holy Qur’an without ablution.

The siwak: 

It is recommended for the reciter of the Holy Qur’an to clean his mouth with the siwak, or with a brush and toothpaste, before read quran, until the mouth smells good, based on what the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – said about the siwak: (A purifier of the mouth, pleasing to the Lord), and because the angels listen and approach the reciter. The Quran.

The cleanliness of the place where a Muslim wants to read the Holy Qur’an

Therefore, scholars have recommended read quran in the mosque. Because it is a clean and great place, and it is permissible to read the Holy Qur’an on the road, on a vehicle, and other means of transportation, if the reader is not distracted by what is around him from read quran. If he is distracted from reading the Qur’an by what is around him, then it is disliked for him to read the Holy Qur’an for fear that he will be confused and make a mistake in reading.


The Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – used to recite the Holy Qur’an with recitation. Because it has the greatest impact on the soul and heart of the believer and the reverence and respect for the Holy Qur’an.


So the reader ponders the verses and ponders their meanings, and asks for mercy and forgiveness from Allah Almighty when he stumbles upon the verses of mercy, and seeks protection and refuge from the torment of the Fire.


At the conclusion of the text, etiquette with the Holy Qur’an is one of the matters that a Muslim woman must take into account, and therefore it is best to wear the hijab while read quran, as well as observing the etiquette of read quran that we mentioned during recitation.

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