basic arabic conversation

Learn Arabic Through Dialogues: Real-Life Conversations to Practice

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The goal of teaching basic arabic conversation in general is for students to acquire a set of four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Conversation is one of the basic skills that students seek to master when learning Arabic, and it is a productive skill.

The need for this skill has become urgent recently, when the importance of oral communication between people has increased. It was necessary when teaching basic arabic conversation to pay attention to the oral aspect. In this article, I will seek to briefly shed light on the methods and techniques of teaching basic arabic conversation skills to non-native speakers of Arabic.

Methods of teaching conversation skills

  • Discussion among students by having some students ask questions and ask others to answer them, and allocating time to practice speaking in Arabic inside the classroom and throughout the school years.
  • Students play roles in a dialogue about what is related to their real life which is one of the methods of group work directed by procedures. The group consists of 7-10 students. The teacher chooses a specific story with the aim of training students in conversation and distributes the roles of the story characters to the students.
  • Holding a debate activity between students, which is a dialogue or verbal interaction between two people based on competition in presenting points of view.
  • Benefiting from the Internet and using the Arabic language in chatting with friends.
  • Listening to Arabic programs on the radio and television, such as news bulletins and watching Arabic series and movies.
  • Talking about pictures is an important area of ​​​​speaking that young and old tend to. Its purpose is to move the mind from pictures to the words that indicate them.
  • Speeches and words: A person is exposed to many situations that require him to give a speech, such as congratulatory situations, honoring parties, and others.
  • Training students not to be shy and afraid of speaking, and enhancing self-confidence, and material and moral motivation.
  • Games: There are many language games that depend on dialogue, some of which are practiced in daily life for the purpose of entertainment and fun.
  • Excessive reading of books, magazines, newspapers, and exciting Arabic stories.

The best way to learn basic arabic conversation

The best way to learn basic arabic conversation depends on your personal preferences and learning style, but here are some strategies that are effective:

  1. Practice conversation regularly: Try to speak Arabic every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You can use apps like HelloTalk or Tandem to find conversation partners.
  2. Join conversation groups: Find groups in your area or online where Arabic learners can practice conversation with each other.
  3. Listen and repeat: Listen to conversations in Arabic through movies, TV shows, or podcasts, and try to repeat phrases and pronunciations.
  4. Determine topics for discussion: Choose specific topics that interest you, such as culture or travel, and talk about them to improve your vocabulary and confidence.
  5. Record yourself: Record yourself speaking, then listen to assess and improve your pronunciation.
  6. Use language apps: Apps like Duolingo and Busuu offer conversation exercises that help you develop your skills.
  7. Interact with native speakers: If you have Arabic-speaking friends, try to talk to them regularly.
  8. Learn everyday phrases: Focus on common phrases used in everyday life to make it easier to interact with others.
  9. Attending courses: Enrolling in courses that focus on conversation can provide you with structure and organization in your learning.
  10. Patience and perseverance: Learning a new language takes time, so be patient and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

The importance of learning Arabic

basic arabic conversation is of great importance on several levels, including:

  • Culture and religion: basic arabic conversation is the language of the Holy Quran, which makes learning it important for understanding religious texts correctly. The Arabic language also opens the doors to the rich Arab culture, including literature, poetry, and art.
  • Professional opportunities: Arabic is one of the languages ​​​​in demand in many fields such as politics, commerce, and tourism, which increases job opportunities in Arab countries or with companies that deal with the Arab market.
  • Communication: Learning basic arabic conversation can facilitate communication with native speakers around the world, which enhances personal and professional relationships.
  • Understanding history: Arabic carries a deep historical and cultural heritage, and studying it helps to understand the historical and geographical events that shaped the Arab and Islamic world.
  • Broadening horizons: Learning new languages ​​​​opens new horizons and enhances critical thinking and creativity, and helps in learning other languages ​​​​more easily.

Why Choosing Al-Hafez Academy to learn Arabic 

Learning basic arabic conversation with Al Hafidz Academy can have several advantages, including:

  • Integrated methodology: The academy offers comprehensive educational programs that cover all aspects of the Arabic language, including grammar, vocabulary, writing, and conversation.
  • Specialized trainers: The academy has experienced and qualified teachers in teaching the Arabic language, ensuring high-quality and professional education.
  • Flexibility in learning: The academy provides flexible study options, whether in-person or online lessons, making it easy for learners to choose the method that suits them.
  • Cultural orientations: The academy is interested in providing cultural content that enriches the learning experience, by including Arabic literature, history, and arts.
  • Continuous support: The academy provides continuous support to students, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their language goals.
  • Diversity of programs: The programs include different levels that suit all ages and abilities, making them suitable for learners from all backgrounds.
  • Recognized certificates: The academy may provide internationally recognized certificates, which contributes to enhancing learners’ CVs.

At the conclusion of the text, learning basic arabic conversation with Al Hafidz Academy is of great importance to you, due to the availability of a large group of qualified teachers who have great experience in the field of teaching the Arabic language.


What is the longest word in the Arabic language?

The longest word in the Arabic language is the word “Avastasqaynakomuha”, and the longest word in the Holy Quran is the word “Fasqaynakomuha” which was mentioned in the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Hijr.

How old is the Arabic language?

The Arabic language is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world and is more than “1600” years old, and the origins of the Arabic language go back to more than this period and the number of its speakers is more than half a billion people around the world.

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